We are all familiar with the use of poetry to express intense emotions about someone or something using vibrant and descriptive language. Therefore I have decided to share a poem about spring, in the hopes of transporting you all to a place of hope and wonder, also known as Springtime. With all that said, please enjoy!
It was a cold day with thick clouds covering the sky from opposite horizons when the age-old tradition of Groundhog Day predicted that you were still six weeks away.
I had no choice but to push past all my dread and dream of a better day when without warning the trees and fields would burst into life, surrounding us with lush green. With the sun’s lustrous heat warming my cheek, I would walk through the flourishing forest on a path towards inner peace.
How I miss the smiling faces as friendly neighbors pass by, out to explore the world unearthed from beneath the thick layers of snow. Flowers paint the landscape in a variety of vibrant colors, decorating the garden around my home. Birds chirp a beautiful melody from the branches up above, while rustling their delicate feathers before taking flight into the bright blue sky.
With a plume of condensation escaping my lips, making my breath visible in front of my face, I am snapped back from my reverie. I follow the warm glow through the door into my apartment, where I am met with a different kind of warmth and peace that can only be found in a place you call home.
It is true that I wish for the day I am met with all the joys of Spring but until then I will enjoy the sweetness of spending time in my cozy home.