It’s officially that time of year again, when we move our clocks back one hour and although there are many good things attributed to the arrival of Spring, this is not one of them. To most people it’s simply an inconvenience but to others, losing that one hour can be more challenging and in some cases even dangerous.
Some studies have actually shown that the day after Daylight Saving Time there is an 8% increase in fatal traffic accidents. In addition, several studies have shown that there is also an increase in workplace accidents as well as heart attacks.
After experiencing time change for quite a few years you might have simply grown accustomed to feeling irritated by losing an hour of sleep but that feeling of fatigue should not be ignored and we would love to share some tips on how to make the transition smoother.
- Make the change sooner
One of the things which has proven to be helpful is to move your clocks forward early. By adjusting the time the night before and going to bed at your normal time, you are able to get the same amount of sleep as you normally would. However, with most smartphones updating the time automatically, it’s also helpful to simply keep a mental note and subtracting an hour as you go about your nightly routine. Just think of it as being mentally prepared for the change, which will make a big difference.
- Soak up the sun!
Getting plenty of sunlight the next day helps your internal clock adjust to the time change. Sunlight is the cue for your internal clock to stop producing melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for making you feel tired. The time change will also allow you to enjoy a couple more hours of sunlight after work. This provides a great opportunity to go for a walk and absorb some rays of vitamin D, which also acts as a mood booster.
- Keep your calendar free
When experience fatigue after Daylight Saving Time, it’s best to not over-schedule yourself during that first week. Take some time to relax by reading a book; watching a movie; going for a walk and getting to bed early.
- Proceed with caution ⚠️
Remember that the darker part of the day will now be during the morning hours when people may still be tired from not getting enough sleep the previous night. Know your body well enough to know if it’s safe to drive without falling asleep behind the wheel. Take extra caution while driving for the next few days, even if you don’t normally struggle with the time change because another driver might. Keep a safe following distance and stay alert.