June 2019

Most Millennials still yearn to buy a home. But with fewer homes being built, rising costs, and personal debt that would choke a horse, few can ever expect to own one. The American Dream is becoming extinct! https://youtu.be/Zzx-QEgv-gw But that cherished dream of owning a home only...

I am so excited for this summer at HighPoint! From a new restaurant in the Friendship Centre, to the pool, outdoor trails, paddleboats, and more I feel like I can truly have a work life balance here! It's funny, I feel like when the weather gets...

I can't believe it's June already! And June means Father's Day! Jalen has been brainstorming on what he'd like to get his dad, so we looked up a few creative ideas. Jalen loves to do fun activities with his dad more than anything, so the...

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