As a small business owner, I don’t want to be controlled. I don’t like to be told what to think or what to say. Like you, I want the truth in order to make sound business decisions and prepare for my future.
So I avoid watching main stream corporate media because it broadcasts nothing more than propaganda that serves large bicoastal elite corporations and crony government allies. This dysfunction in truth broadcasting is illustrated well in this infographic. The deregulation of the media industry under the Clinton administration if the 1980’s paved the way for the consolidation of media and entertainment companies into just 6 mega corporations that control what we perceive as truth in the news.
Is it no wonder that media bias favors the Clintons and big government today? That investigative journalism is dead?
At High Point, we have a source of real news that’s not provided by the Main Stream propaganda machine. is an alternate news site that aggregates compelling content to our residents to help us be informed and awakened. It is updated daily from You Tube with content from reliable truth telling sources. It even allows us to post content we find compelling and worthy of sharing with our neighbors.
Join us who seek the truth by calling 815 324-3974 for a preview showing of our newest neighborhood….HighPoint Town Square Apartments. Our Work/Liv apartments are tailor made for small business owners seeking the financial benefits of the Work/Liv lifestyle. Come visit us today!