Author: Raoul

My neighbors are awesome at HighPoint Town Square. Over a short period of time I’ve formed deep friendships with my neighbors and with that, I’ve wanted to start opening up my home to entertain them. The only problem, staying organized can be a real struggle! So...

In my Work/Liv apartment, I use the showroom space for business clients and my office for working and sleeping. The advantages this affords to my efficiency are profound allowing me to sleep and work in the same space seamlessly. High Point Town Square Apartments is the...

When it comes to music, I have very broad tastes. I have my HomePod almost always playing music as I work from home. I used to exclusively use Spotify until the unveiling of Apple Music. Here are my top five reasons I prefer Apple Music. Ecosystem: I'll...

Next Generation renters no longer live the “Friends” lifestyle of the iconic TV series. They are less “bohemian” less cluttered, minimalist and media driven. They’re apt to live where they work rather than work where they live. So apartment living trends are emerging that reflect...

I love streaming solutions for TV in my HighPoint Town Square apartment! I use YouTube TV on my Apple TV, and it’s saved me a lot of money over traditional cable! All the channels I love are available, and it enables me to watch TV...

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