Author: The Roommates

https// I came across this article when Tiff and I were considering renting at Highpoint Town Square. It was very helpful. 1. Lay down ground rules early We're talking about getting it all out on the table. What cleaning tasks you consider must-dos on the regular. Whether or...

I came across this website when I was looking for something fun for me and Issa to do one weekend. Whether you’re a local, new in town or just passing through this site has so many great tips and events happening in your city or...

HTTPS://WWW.CHOOSECHICAGO.COM/EVENTS-AND-SHOWS/FESTIVALS-GUIDE/ Every month is party month in Chicago. Check out the festival guides below or click on a month to see what's coming up. Tiff and I try to explore the city as much as possible. Now with the new train station here in Romeoville it’s... Tweet it. Post it. Instagram it. Crowned the king of communication, there’s no denying that social media is thriving worldwide. And while you may be thinking that millennials — not your donors — are the only ones obsessed with social media, think again: According to Pew...

This week at Highpoint in Romeovile. My roommate and I will be attending our annual pool party. We look forward to seeing all of our residents here and eating deliscious food, listening to the DJ and making lots of memories. Here are few salads as...

Tiff and I try to eat healthy as much as possible BUT sweets and deserts are our downfall. This is our go to dessert when we have that uncontrollable sweet tooth. I can’t wait to share it with our neighbors here at Highpoint Town Square.

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