Jackson’s Newsfeed

When it comes to music, I have very broad tastes. I have my HomePod almost always playing music as I work from home. I used to exclusively use Spotify until the unveiling of Apple Music. Here are my top five reasons I prefer Apple Music. Ecosystem: I'll...

I love streaming solutions for TV in my HighPoint Town Square apartment! I use YouTube TV on my Apple TV, and it’s saved me a lot of money over traditional cable! All the channels I love are available, and it enables me to watch TV...

GTD, it’s something we all must do sooner than later… what is it you may ask? GTD stands for, “Getting Things Done” and I found this incredible pin that is helping me, “Master the Mundane!” Check it out! When it comes to getting things done, I use...

ClubFiziq will be open in no time, so in anticipation, I thought I would share some of the supplements I take to look great at the pool. P6 Advanced Testosterone Booster P6 is a natural supplement that boosts testosterone and gets me ripped! Check it out...

I just discovered an incredible tool to minimize the burden of email; it’s called Boomerang! I usually work late at night and sending emails at 3 am feels unprofessional and tells my clients that I work 24/7. That’s where Boomerang helps. Boomerang allows me to schedule...

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