Jackson’s Newsfeed

Wow! I love my Model 3! I just finished my first road trip to Grand Rapids from HighPoint Town Square and the ride was spectacular. Never before have I driven for 3 and a half hours with 0 driver fatigue! The ride was so smooth it was...

Next week is my Tesla Model 3 delivery! I ordered my rear wheel drive, long range, red, autopilot enabled Model 3 back at the beginning of July as the perfect companion to my forward thinking HighPoint Town Square home. The process of ordering the car has...

Keeping track of time as a freelancer can be a real pain! In the past, I had used my calendar and would constantly be adjusting it so I could refer to it when it came time to bill. This process was tedious, and it often caused...

I love my Phillips Hue lighting system! My bridge communicates with HomeKit so I can use Siri to control my lights from any device, but while this is all very useful, I wanted to d0 more with light. That's when I picked up a Lightstrip Plus from Phillips....

I love my smartphone, my smartwatch, and the smart home accessories I have installed in my HighPoint Town Square apartment, but to be honest, my car isn’t all that smart. Sure, it takes me from point A to B, but that’s about it. This lead me...

I constantly am working on several tasks at once, most of which are cloud dependent. To me, it’s super important that my internet connection is fast and reliable. That’s why I choose to work from the Friendship Centre at HighPoint. Their enterprise grade 100 meg fiber...

My neighbors are awesome at HighPoint Town Square. Over a short period of time I’ve formed deep friendships with my neighbors and with that, I’ve wanted to start opening up my home to entertain them. The only problem, staying organized can be a real struggle! So...

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